
NHS information on 12-15 year olds Covid Vaccination centres in South East London  - Please open link here to access information

Transition Summer School - Please open the link to read about Woodside's Summer School, July 2021 

Dear parents and carers 

Unfortunately due to the current Government advice on Covid-19 we have to postpone all parent/carer events. 
please do contact the school office if you have any concerns on 01322 350123

Lizzie Bea Workshop Beech had a wonderful workshop with the delightful Lizzie Bea. The session consisted of warming up with a few stretches, a discussion about the stone age; followed by acting out different scenarios. We used our bodies, to make movements for how the Stone age people would hunt gigantic Woolly Mammoths or vicious Sabre toothed tigers. We looked at the movements of lighting fire, collecting food, painting in a cave and other daily tasks. The children had a wonderful time and although found it difficult, as many felt out of their comfort zones, all managed to participate and enjoy the session. We were fortunate enough to end the session by having Lizzie Bea sing to us ‘Good morning Baltimore’ from the production Hairspray she will be staring in.

Independent Living Class visited Bexley Fire Station as part of our Unit on ‘Keeping Safe’. The Firefighters were really impressed at how much the students knew about fire safety. We were lucky enough to all have a go at spraying the hose and we watched them use cutters and spreaders to remove a car door!


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